c a n d l a n d . n e t

Psake Tab Expansion!

Dusty Candland | |

After installing the awesome posh-git stuff, I thought “it would be cool to have tab expansion for my psake tasks”. So, I read the posh-git stuff and decided it would be easy to follow the pattern they’ve used and adopt it for psake. That a complement on the job the posh-git guys have done and with only about 23 lines, a complement to the power of Powershell.

Anyway, below is how I integrated both posh-git and psake tab expansion into my powershell profile after including the PsakeTabExpansion.ps1 file.

After installing the awesome posh-git stuff, I thought “it would be cool to have tab expansion for my psake tasks”. So, I read the posh-git stuff and decided it would be easy to follow the pattern they’ve used and adopt it for psake. That a complement on the job the posh-git guys have done and with only about 23 lines, a complement to the power of Powershell.

Anyway, below is how I integrated both posh-git and psake tab expansion into my powershell profile after including the PsakeTabExpansion.ps1 file.

# Set up tab expansion and include git expansion
function TabExpansion($line, $lastWord) {
  $lastBlock = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1]

  switch -regex ($lastBlock) {
      # Execute git tab completion for all git-related commands
      'git (.*)' { GitTabExpansion $lastBlock }
      '(Invoke-psake|psake) (.*)' { PsakeTabExpansion $lastBlock }
      # Fall back on existing tab expansion
      default { DefaultTabExpansion $line $lastWord }

The zip file has a readme w/ some sample code to drop in your profile. And the PsakeTabExpansion.ps1 flie, which I have in the same directory as my profile. I’m going to send the psake team, hopefully they will add it to the psake codebase.



These are webmentions via the IndieWeb and webmention.io. Mention this post from your site: