c a n d l a n d . n e t

Migrate Google Sites to Jekyll

Dusty Candland | |


Install https://github.com/famzah/google-sites-backup

google-sites-backup/run.sh gdata-python-client/ google-sites-backup/

Convert to Markdown

Install reverse_markdown

cd into the exported proj

find . -iname "*.html" -exec echo "tidy -q -omit -b -i -c {} | reverse_markdown > {}.md" \; | sed s/\.html\.md/\.md/ > fix.sh
chmod +x fix.sh
find . -iname "*.html" | xargs rm


Add frontmatter

find . -iname "*.md" -exec perl -0777 -i -pe 's/<head>.*<\/head>//igs' {} \;
find . -iname "*.md" -exec perl -0777 -i -pe 's/^# (.*)$/---\nlayout: page\ntitle: $1\n---/m' {} \;

Clean up left over extras, spaces, extra header lines, and

find . -iname "*.md" | xargs -t -I {} sed -i'' 's/Â//g' {}
find . -iname "*.md" -exec perl -0777 -i -pe 's/^[\s\|]*$//gm' {} \;
find . -iname "*.md" -exec perl -0777 -i -pe 's/^.*?---/---/ms' {} \;
find . -iname "*.md" -exec perl -i -pe 's/^ ([^ ].*)$/$1/g' {} \;

Remove absolute links

ack --ignore-dir=_site -l "sites.google.com\/a\/roximity.com\/wiki" | xargs perl -i -pe "s/https:\/\/sites\.google\.com\/a\/roximity\.com\/wiki//g"

Fix resource links

ack --ignore-dir=_site -l "\/_\/rsrc\/\d*\/" | xargs perl -i -pe "s/\/_\/rsrc\/\d*\///g"

Rename %20 to underscores in file names.

for i in `find . -name "*%20*"`; do mv -v $i `echo $i | sed 's/%20/_/g'` ; done

Still had to do a fair amount of clean up from the converted markdown.


These make the stucture and navigation match the google sites somewhat.

Related Pages

Lots of our page had files as downloads. I like the idea of putting downloads in a sub directory and having them auto populate on the page. Also some of our navigation is based on pages in a matching directory. This plugin populates a sub_pages collection and a downloads collection. The view renders those collections

module AssociateRelatedPages
class Generator < Jekyll::Generator
def generate(site)
page_lookup = site.pages.reduce({}) { |lookup, page| lookup["/" + page.path] = page; lookup; }

site.pages.each do |page|
subdir = File.join(site.source, page.dir, page.basename)
if File.exist?(subdir) and File.directory?(subdir)
entries = Dir.entries(subdir)

page.data["sub_pages"] = entries.select{ |e|
e =~ /\.md$/
}.map{ |e|
page_lookup[File.join(page.dir, page.basename, e)]

page.data["downloads"] = entries.reject{ |e|
e == "." || e == ".." || e =~ /\.md$/ ||
File.directory?(File.join(subdir, e))
}.map{ |e|
download = File.join(subdir, e)
stat = File::Stat.new(download)
"title" => e,
"url" => File.join(page.basename, e),
"size" => stat.size
{% if page.sub_pages.size > 0 %}
{% for page in page.sub_pages %}
<a href="{{ page.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ page.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.downloads.size > 0 %}
<div class="post-downloads">
{% for download in page.downloads %}
<a href="{{ download.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ download.title }} ({{ download.size }}b)</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}


The navigation on the google site was mostly based on sub directories. This creates a nav collection used to build the navigation.

module HierarchicalNavigation
class Generator < Jekyll::Generator
#{dev: { page: Page, sub: [] }}

def generate(site)
nav = {}
site.pages.sort_by(&:dir).each do |page|
dirs = page.dir.split('/')
dir = dirs[1] || ''

if dirs.count <= 2
if page.basename == 'index'
nav[dir] ||= {'page' => nil, 'sub' => []}
nav[dir]['page'] = page
nav[dir] ||= {'page' => nil, 'sub' => []}
nav[dir]['sub'] << page

site.data['nav'] = nav.values
{% for nav in site.data['nav'] %}
{% if nav.page.title %}
<li class="{% if page.url contains nav.page.url %}active{% endif %}">
<a class="page-link" href="{{ nav.page.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ nav.page.title }}</a>
{% if page.url contains nav.page.dir %}
{% for sub in nav.sub %}
{% if sub.title %}
{% capture sub_dir %}{{ sub.url | remove: ".html" | append: "/" }}{% endcapture %}
<li class="{% if page.url contains sub.url or page.dir == sub_dir %}active{% endif %}">
<a class="page-link" href="{{ sub.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ sub.title }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}


These are webmentions via the IndieWeb and webmention.io. Mention this post from your site: