c a n d l a n d . n e t

Upgrading Dokku version by version

Dusty Candland | | dokku, ubuntu

I've used the dokku-update app in the past, but version 0.30.0 has a breaking change, so I needed to upgrade to 0.29.x first. It doesn't look like dokku-update app doesn't support specific versions. Here's what I did to upgrade manually.

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

The Process

This is all pieced together from the Dokku upgrade guide, which is very helpful.

dokku ps:stop --all

# update your local apt cache
apt-get update -qq

# list available versions
apt-cache madison dokku

# update dokku and its dependencies
apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install dokku=0.27.10 -V
apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install dokku=0.28.4 -V

On version 0.29.4 I ran into an error about missing the docker-compose-plugin.

Fix missing docker-compose-plugin

Follow this to install: Docker GPG key/repository.

apt-get update
apt-get install docker-compose-plugin

apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install dokku=0.29.4 -V

apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install herokuish sshcommand plugn gliderlabs-sigil dokku-update dokku-event-listener

After getting to version 0.29.4 I wanted to rebuild everything to make sure it was all okay. Not sure if it needed or not.

dokku ps:rebuild --all

Finishing up

Everything worked! Now to get to the latest version, and update everything else.

dokku ps:stop --all
apt upgrade

After the reboot, restart everything

dokku ps:start --all
apt autoremove



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