c a n d l a n d . n e t


Upgrading Rails Webpacker and TailwindCSS

| cloudsh, webpack, webpacker, rails, rails6, tailwindcss

In my continuing effort to consolidate technologies used in my projects I'm changing an existing Rails app to use Webpacker and TailwindCSS, and away from Bootstrap.

These are the steps I took to get TailwindCSSv2 working. Add webpack to Rails 5 covers the whole process, including moving existing JS and CSS files to Webpacker.

Hosting side projects - Dokku

| dokku, heroku, elasticbeanstalk, hosting

Where should I host my side project? It's a question I ask every time I start a new project. I've tried so many different options I have to lookup where each project is hosted.

This is annoying and makes development slow. It takes time to remember where a project is hosted and then remember all the different options and commands for those environments.

Ruby on Rails deployments to Elastic Beanstalk 2021

| rails, docker, ruby, elasticbeanstalk, aws, make, docker-componse

I've run a number of projects on Elastic Beanstalk, generally the whole experience is terrible. Still better than running servers yourself, but so far from Heroku.

All my projects end up with a bunch of .ebextensions files that try to configure the EB server for the application. They work sometimes, and almost alway break with platform upgrades, even minor upgrades.

Kickstarter by the Numbers

| stubborngoods, kickstarter

We decided to try Kickstarter for the first product of Stubborn Goods. We reached our goal thanks to our friends and family. This is an overview of what we did and some lessons we learned.

Why Kickstarter?

Stubborn Goods makes packs and bags. Since production requires a minimum quantity order to make sense we thought Kickstarter might be a good way to start.

Besides, I wanted to experience running a Kickstarter project.

Eleventy: Responsive Images

| 11ty, eleventy, netlify, github, route285

Route285 is a site of Colorado product companies. I have images of logos & products from those sites, but need to download and display them locally, in case an image changes later. Also, since eleventy-img supports resizing and different formats I wanted to get that stuff working too.

I ran into a couple of snags. First ICO isn't supported, that was pretty easy to work around, but I still wanted a local version of the file. The useOriginalImage function handles that. Plus it's helpful for errors and SVG files.

Also, since it's an addNunjucksAsyncShortcode in 11ty, I needed to change my for blocks to asyncEach blocks. That took a while to figure out as it just results in those templates returning nothing.

Jupyter Labs and Ruby

| asdf, bundler, jupyter, ruby

Wanted to setup Jupyter for Ruby to test out some ML stuff. Here's the setup I used and some issues I ran into.

Eleventy Webmentions

| eleventy, 11ty, webmentions, bridgy, microformats

Owning my content and making it easy to post are both important to me and I've been slowly working to do that more. Moving my blog to 11ty was a big step in that direction. Now with webmentions and bridgy it's easier to share content. This post talks about what I've setup to connect my blog to the indieweb and some of the closed networks.

Rails 6 and multiple uploads

| rails, rails6, stimulus

[Active Storage] is awesome for uploading images, but handling has_many_attached needs some additional stuff if you want be able to add and remove specific images.

This is how I setup multiple uploads so files can be added and deleted without re-uploading the files.

Rails 6 Inky Emails

| rails, rails6, email, inky, foundation emails

Making emails look nice is a huge pain! [Foundation Emails] help by giving you short HTML tags that are expanded into HTML for emails and nice classes for styling.

Getting early adopters for CommandWP

| pricing, saas, commandwp

[CommandWP] is getting to a point where I'd like to get some early adopters using it. I'm not sure what a good approach might be. Here's what I'm thinking about.

Add Webpack to Rails 5

| rails, rails5, webpack, webpacker, scss, bootstrap, font-awesome

The push to use webpack with rails is getting too much to resist!

You can setup some good stuff with sprockets, but it's a pain and a lot of it doesn't seem too updated.

So... to get things like good ES6 support, minification, easier script managment with Yarn, and PostCSS support; It's time for webpacker

Webdev like it's 1997

| webdev

When I started learning to create webpages the web was fun and crazy and annoying. It was also open and easy to get started.

There are a few trends that are bringing some of that web back. I'm loving it!